Blow those Blues away
Today, 20 January, is better known as Blue Monday. Pseudoscientists have calculated today to be the most depressing day of the year.
Do I need a vulnerability assessment or a penetration test?
When discussing security measures with our customers, we are often asked about penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. And, most often, those conversations include the question, "is there is a difference between the two?". We believe that's certainly a...
The supply chain threat: Are you prepared?
Almost all businesses are up against the supply chain threat. In simple terms, this is the risk that an attacker could infiltrate your corporate system through an outside partner or a provider that has access to your networks, systems and data. Securing your supply...
Ransomware attacks continue – as do the ransom pay-outs from victims
Another day, another ransomware attack. In just the last month, a global car manufacturer have become a victim, along with several lesser-publicised organisations. Some recently published research by Veritas Technologies found that 40% of consumers hold business...
Coronavirus: Employees working remotely? Make sure your IT is up to it!
As the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, spreads around the world, many companies are asking their employees to work from home. Throughout China, Italy, Japan and South Korea workers have been in lockdown mode.
New number plates: new car! Make sure it’s compliant, just like your IT
Today sees the launch of the DVLA 2020 number plates for new vehicles registered after March 2020. Perhaps this has prompted you to start looking for a new car. There are plenty of different types of cars to choose from these days: fully electric cars; hybrids; petrol or diesel.
Valentine’s Day Messaging: Think Before You Send
We've all seen it on Facebook and other social media platforms. Apart from making most readers cringe, this very personal message has now been published. Online. Forever. The kind of thing that future employers might stumble across whilst doing some background checks on John or Janine.
It’s time to perform your IT winter detox
Have you ever thought about giving your IT systems a detox too? Get your IT operating systems and applications scanned for vulnerabilities and get rid of those nasties. It’ll save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
Why Everyone Wants Remote Control
There was a time, not so long ago, when the phrase “I’m working from home tomorrow” would be greeted by co-workers with a raised eyebrow or an unsubtle roll of the eyes.